And it continues unabated

spinning.jpgAs Congress and the country turn to the trivialities of our current President’s insanity over soldiers shot and killed in Niger, the shootings right here at home go on and on and on and on……

4 were injured at a Minneapolis bus stop.

Another mass shooting, this time in Maryland, took the lives of 3 and injured another 3. 

The shooter was heading towards a school when he was caught.



Just another few days in America. The death toll mounts. We do nothing. The President creates chaos about virtually everything. Congress fails to act on anything.

Remember the Las Vegas mass massacre?

We have moved on. Now to the Opioid death epidemic. Let’s do something about the deaths from opioids that are decimating our communities. Let’s set up a task force.

But Guns?


The families and friends of the worst mass shooting in American history have not moved on. They have just buried their loved ones. Children are missing their parents. Parents are missing their children. Siblings are grieving for their siblings.

There is a deep hole in the hearts of Americans all over the country.

Congress is at the bottom of that deep dark hole that is called avoiding action on something they could do something about. But they can’t do anything about a President run amok acting more crazy every day.

If the President tweeted about solutions to gun violence like he attacks anyone who has the nerve to disagree with him, we would be doing something tomorrow.

Alas, that will never happen.

Congress is at fault. Congress sits by and watches our country go deeper and deeper into some place we do not recognize any more.

We have huge problems that are sitting right in front of us every day. No action. No words. No nothing.

We are going around and around and around and around and getting nothing done on anything. Not health care. Not national security. Not gun violence. Not diplomacy. Not the economy. Nothing.

The free press is under attack. We do nothing.

Today and tomorrow and the day after that, about 90 Americans will die each day from gunshot injuries. That many or more will die from the opioid epidemic. Soldiers are dying. People will lose their health care. People still live in poverty. Kids and teens will shoot themselves or someone else with a gun left unsecured.

We can do something but we don’t.

One bit of good news is that the Brady Center’s ASK campaign has been found to be the most effective campaign for awareness of safe storage of guns.

So let’s talk about the risks of guns in homes. Let’s talk about simple things that can be done to save lives. Congress refuses to act. We can act.

Where is common sense?